Loading Mode
Recommendations are loaded while the page is loading. The cache for the sales channel pages is completely deactivated for this purpose. It is recommended to empty the cache daily with a cronjob to avoid problems with a full cache. Experience shows that the cache will grow by a few gigabytes during the course of the day.
Recommendations are loaded via AJAX requests in the background after the page has loaded. With this loading method, the cache remains intact, the visitor sees a loading animation for a few seconds until the recommendations have been loaded.
Paid Order Status
Define the status for paid orders, which are required for some filters.
Assign Gender to Categories
With this setting you can improve the training of the "Narrow down to gender" function. Define your categories for the genders man, woman and child, which are assigned to the products in your shop in the background. If you leave these fields empty, standard search terms such as "Man", "Men", "Male" or "Woman", "Women", "Lady", "Female" etc. will be used to assign the products.
Last updated