Price Difference
This filter is a criteria filter. If set up, all other filters are based on the results returned by this filter.
This filter is product-specific and therefore only works on a product detail page. On other pages, this filter will not provide any results.
This filter retrieves all products with a unit price within the price range you have set (applies to the product you are currently viewing).
Example: You are looking at a product worth 512€. With a price difference upwards from 25% and a price difference downwards from 5%, only products with a unit price between 486,40€ and 640€ will be displayed.
It is advisable to always configure this filter to effectively upsell and not show your shop visitors products that are a) far too cheap or b) far too expensive.
Price Difference Up
Set a percentage. Only products that are below the specified price range (of the currently viewed product) will be displayed.
Price Difference Down
Set a percentage. Only products that are above the specified price range (of the currently viewed product) will be displayed.
Last updated